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NKID_LGO_GRYFor a component technology company like Dow Water & Process Solutions who has many disparate applications areas that it focuses on—from desalination to pharmaceuticals to mining and hydrometallurgy—finding a common platform to communicate on poses quite a challenge.

A common response from many of their customers upon learning about a technology that Dow was involved in was “I had no idea?”

The goal: To create a platform that generates awareness and showcases the breadth of Dow’s knowledge and expertise at work in many of the global mega-trend areas. In the process, connecting many of the seemingly unconnected dots.

The result: I•deum: an online magazine released quarterly to both their OEM customers and end-users of Dow Water & Process Solutions’ technology. A publication that paints a broader picture of an interconnected world, with all its challenges and a company that is hard at work solving problems and enabling innovation. A real platform where ideas can be shared and thought leadership can gain momentum.


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